Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Aw Yeah

After my Weight Watchers meeting yesterday I headed out to the track for my speed workout. I was feeling slightly peevish because I had posted yet another middling one-pound gain at weigh-in. I'm on a plateau so huge it feels like Tibet. I just cannot get away from the 159-161 pounds range. Sigh.

Anyway, I bopped on down to the track for some 800-meter intervals. At least the weather was pleasant, unlike one week ago when I battled that 30-mph wind and 35-degree temperature before screaming "F@RK THIS!" and bagging it halfway through the workout. I started with a mile warmup and then launched into my first 800. As I was pounding along, a huge gaggle of girls appeared on the grassy slope leading down to the track. It was some local soccer team there for practice. I passed by them on the curve heading into the homestretch in front of the grandstands.

I zoomed past, and then I heard one of the girls say, "Oh my God...look at her muscles." I was wearing my spiffy new Asics shorts (third day in a row!) so my gleaming white (love those Midwest winters...nary a photon of sunlight has hit my skin in six months) legs were out there in all their apparently rippling-muscled glory.

I hereby confess that upon overhearing that comment I kicked extra-hard to finish my interval. All remaining irritable thoughts of my stalled progress at Weight Watchers were swept away. So what if I can't seem to lose any weight? I've worked so hard for these strong legs, these muscles that are now drawing comments from strangers. These legs have carried me almost 300 miles this year, will carry me 13.1 miles in a mere five weeks, and hopefully hundreds more (and a marathon distance) by the end of the year.

Sometimes positive change isn't always about the number on the scale.

Also: Adolescent girls? Squeal a lot.


Fritz said...

Yay muscles! :)

And I bet if were you to have a body composition assessment done, you percent body fat would be lower than it was at the beginning of your plateau! There's certainly nothing wrong with burning fat and gaining muscle, right?

And here's another way to think of it- what would you rather have: lower weight or lower PRs? :)

Nitmos said...

Perhaps the plateau is due to an increase in muscle mass offsetting the weight loss? Anyway, nice job on your race. Spring shows signs of staying around.

Sun Runner said...

And here's another way to think of it- what would you rather have: lower weight or lower PRs?

Lower PRs, of course! I knew a Fellow Runner would understand.

Perhaps the plateau is due to an increase in muscle mass offsetting the weight loss?

That's what I think. The mirror doesn't lie; I've bulked up considerably since I started doing speed work.

Anonymous said...

Just think about what a positive role model you were for some of those girls in that moment. Out there, training on your own, looking all strong & determined. I bet she remembers you a decade from now, when she's training for her own first half-marathon or marathon.

Caroline said...

Plateau, smateau. You're running awesome, girl!

You're doing the MC half, right??

Sun Runner said...

I am indeed-- the Very Fist Ever Marine Corps Historic Half! May 18! I'm so excited.

Amy said...

Found you via Topher and you are so right - it's not about the numbers...but they can be so seductive sometimes. Nice how you shifted your perspective!