Thursday, January 29, 2009

The Runner Has Two Faces

These are from the Holiday Hustle 5K that was in December. I found them on RunMichigan's photos page, where they have digital files available for the low price of $4.00. I think this is incredibly fantastic and awesome and runner-friendly, since as we all know most places charge astronomical prices for image files.

In the beginning: My "concentration" face as I contemplate the task at hand. I am wearing my "stealth" outfit: all sleek, all black. I am the SR-71 Blackbird! Or would that be the B-2 Stealth Bomber?

At the finish: ARRRRGH! Can you FEEL THE BURN? This was an uncomfortable race and I was glad it was almost over, stealth outfit or not.


jen said...

Great pictures!

Love the ninja outfit.

Anonymous said...

Almost all of my running pictures look more like the second one. It took me a long time to realize that I should probably smile when I know my hubby is taking pics, and then I'll like them better.

Anonymous said...

Bingo on the cost comment. If Brightroom (who is the picture vendor I mostly see) charged anything near $4 for their pictures, I might actually buy a lot of them. The pricing is usually ridiculous...