Thursday, January 8, 2009

Bathroom Babble and More

You know you're a runner when you encounter a co-worker/fellow runner in the bathroom and end up having a ten-minute conversation about upcoming races, training plans, paces, group runs, gear, the weather, etc...I can only imagine what the unfortunate person trapped in the bathroom with us was thinking: "Who are these crazy people?"

In other news, I am über-excited because this evening before my regular group run I am going to (carefully) break out some of the megabucks in gift certificate money (monies?) I received for my recent birthday. YakTrax are at the top of my list. After that...THE SKY IS THE LIMIT!

And finally, I am extremely jealous of fellow runner TK who is in Ireland, a place near and dear to my heart (I lived there for 5 weeks for my geology field camp experience). Not only am I jealous because she is in beautiful, verdant Ireland and I am not, but she will be able to run in Ireland while I am stuck on the same crappy snow-covered Michigan sidewalks I've been pounding for the past 2 years (in various states of snow-coveredness; right now, they are covered with a couple inches of fresh snow). I lamented some time ago about missing out on running in various exotic places because at the time of my visits I was not a runner. (Shocking!) One of the two places I regret not running in the most is western Ireland (the other being my beloved valley in Wyoming). Oh, some day I will return. As Arnold said, "I'll be bock."


tfh said...

Ooh! Shopping spree!

You just have to go back to Ireland someday to run. That's all. You will be bock.

And yes, I love those extended bathroom conversations almost as much as I hate being the person in the stall thinking "please leave, please leave."

BeachRunner said...

You will be BOCK. Sigh. Running in exotic places aint gonna happen for me for awhile either ... but shopping and yakking about running, on the other hand, is way doable.

Glaven Q. Heisenberg said...

It was twenty years ago this year that I went to the Emerald Isle for the first and only time; and we (my brother, his wife and I) were there for only seven days! Nowhere NEAR enough time!

When my brother and I get together and drink too much beer, we always vow to go back THIS YEAR regardless of what the skirts say. Then we always p*ssy out.

It leaves a palpable ache in my cervix.

Speaking of which, what were your brother and his friend really doing in the 'rents' basement? I know it wasn't wrestling, because you put scare quotes around that word ...

Nitmos said...

Who is Arnold? Do you mean Ah-nold by chance?

And why would you want to run in Ireland when you can run in all...this?

Blink said...

Where in Wyoming is that? A great race out there, the Pinedale half marathon. At the time I ran it, it was free and there was a chili cookoff at the end. Great race, beautiful country.

chia said...

Hey! Enjoy your wealth in running accessories :-).

After the Portland race report went up there were chicks in the office that were like "so, did you stop sh*tting yourself yet?"

Ya, stall dwellers probably don't subscribe to my feed...

joyRuN said...

Enjoy the shopping!

I used to travel, but didn't run as much. Like you, I regret not having been more of a runner back then.

Anonymous said...

Sarah sugar. The ONE run I had (I was aiming for three) was pretty awesome. Wish I'd been less jetlagged/hungover so I could ahve run all three days of my trip!